Nanjo Tokimitsu (南条時光)

Tokimitsu NANJO (1259 - May 25, 1332) was a busho (Japanese military commander) who lived in the late Kamakura period. He was a firm believer of NIchiren. He was the jito (lord of manor) of Ueno-go, Suruga Province (the present north-western (Ueno) part of Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture). He was called 'Ueno-dono' (Lord of Ueno).

Succeeding to his late father, Hyoe Shichiro, at the age of seven, he became a believer in Hokkekyo (the Lotus Sutra) as his father was. He had since then periodically sent offerings to Nichiren who lived in Mt. Minobu.

At the Atsuhara Persecution of Nichiren in 1278, he followed Nikko who resisted the religious persecution by the Kamakura bakufu, making great efforts to protect and support the believers.
Nichiren praised him for his profound faith and gave him the honorific title of 'The Wise Lord of Ueno.'

After Nichiren died, Nikko subsequently left Mt. Minobu in disagreement with Sanenaga HAKII. Tokimitsu immediately received Nikko in his territory and became a founding patron of Honmon-ji Temple to which he gave the land in 1290.

In 1323 he converted his house in Shimojo Horinouchi into Shimojo Myoren-ji Temple for his deceased wife, Myoren.

In 1332 he died at the age of 74.

His posthumous Buddhist name (homyo or kaimyo) was Daigyosonrei.

[Original Japanese]